Monday, October 30, 2023


Privacy Online & Off 

There are issues related to privacy and your digital footprint being ' as permanent as a tattoo.' The fact that online presence is permanent raises privacy concerns for me, my friends, and my family. It gives away personal insights about the user, and it is getting harder to stay anonymous due to the widespread availability of personal data to numerous parties. The government plays a vital role in regulating privacy, especially cybersecurity. Laws or acts can be enforced to protect users from data leaks and the misuse of personal data. If the government needs to regulate, it should be in an ethical manner. For now, we can take the necessary steps to navigate the digital world safely by changing passwords quarterly with stronger codes, using two-factor authentication, and regularly updating apps.

Similarly, statements made by Catherine Crump, mention privacy concerns but add in factors of civil liberties and potential abuse. Mass surveillance and data collection have the potential to violate the right to privacy. This can lead to self-censorship where people may be scared to express their opinions or participate in certain activities because of the fear of being monitored. As the video mentions, when authorities have access to massive amounts of data, there is a risk of misuse. The government can help with increased transparency.

The video from Christopher Soghoian on the avoidance of surveillance with cell phones touches on the global reach of security breaches as well as the importance of encryption. 

The issues presented by Darieth Chisolm in her TED Talk about digital domestic violence have a significant impact on society. This focuses on the feeling of humiliation, shame, and the ongoing theme of violation of privacy amongst users of technology. The government can help by criminalizing revenge porn, and they have begun to do so with the ENOUGH Act (2017). This act is still not "ENOUGH" as the global reach needs to be managed if it is an international dispute. 

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