Friday, December 1, 2023

Final Blog Post

My Relationship With Technology

As a member of Generation Z, technology has played a prominent role in my life. Early models of mobile devices and unlimited internet access have always been at my fingertips. Whether it's for education or leisure activities, technology has played a fundamental role in shaping my experiences. The use of technology is not going away, especially when we are starting to enter the workforce. According to Forbes, "As a tech-savvy generation, Gen Z will transform and disrupt the workplace more than any generation...will inspire leaders." With this in mind, understanding how society interacts with innovation, is vital for the future.

The videos provided serve as a point of reflection on the way our society interacts with technology.  The FUTURAMA video from 1964 truly proves it is a "Future of not dreams but reality." It continued to provide examples of the future being a utopia supported by technology, which from an outside view is the world we are currently living in. In particular, the video shows a future where information is transmitted across the globe in microseconds - a parallel to our reality, characterized by the use of the internet. Furthermore, it highlights the idea that the evolving world would respond adeptly to the global needs of humanity.

The second video of the Mad World Remix provides a chilling insight into the downsides of device addiction on the interconnectedness of our society. The animations depict the zombie-like qualities of device consumption, specifically indulging in gluttony, lust, and violence. This demonstrates the inauthentic world we are slowly becoming, with mindless scrolling and expressionless 'lols.' This also depicts the dangers of echo chambers. The final video of "Man" which shows how the innovation of humans, especially in technology, has a major cost. Technology is contributing to the creation of a  garbage planet.' through the promotion of a new type of waste. Watching these videos has caused me to reflect on my personal relationship with the internet.

I have consistently maintained a healthy relationship with technology throughout my life. Whether it's staying connected with family and friends or completing tasks on platforms like BlackBoard, I recognize the role technology plays in my daily existence. While I am aware of the potential dangers associated with misuse, I believe that when handled responsibly, this can be an asset to our lives.  Adapting to this ever-evolving landscape, I actively stay informed to ensure that I can navigate this digital realm to its full potential securely. 

With the implementation of Apple's screen time management, I am giving my technology the appropriate time in my life. I limit the use of social media platforms as those can lead me down a rabbit hole. Although I am regulating and monitoring my screen time, my devices are consuming my life. As we are in a digital age and as a Communications student, social media marketing, management, and media use is a part of my daily life so it is hard to escape it when needed. Oddly enough, I am probably the only member of Gen Z who prioritizes daily phone calls and e-mail checking. With viewing my screen time, those two applications have the highest screen time and background app running.

Technology's access to the internet leads to a widespread of information posted, real or fake news. It is not the fault of the internet if the user is uneducated in how to navigate and understand the credibility of sources. I do not worry about this specific ongoing issue, as I know how to safely use the internet. When browsing, assessing the credibility of the authors and publication is important. Fact-checking websites are a valuable tool for verifying claims, dramatic language and extremism are typical keys of potential misinformation. Understanding biases, and approaching information with a critical lens, contributes to an informed consumption of online content. 

Technology plays a dual role in my friends and family's lives. Personally, I have seen an increase in health issues when using technology, including digital eye strain, and sleep issues. In response to these challenges, health applications track illnesses and provide insights into diet, exercise, and mental health.  Medical advancements created by technology have significantly improved disease treatment and prevention, fostering better care. By leveraging technology in this way, it is promoting illness and a cure simultaneously. 


Technology affects all types of relationships positively and negatively. All technological advancements, including FaceTime, social media, and other innovative communication methods boost connectivity with family and friends.  However, relying on technology for relationships can decrease quality time and satisfaction. I have participated and have been a victim of phubbing (phone snubbing), where I have ignored and been ignored to choose my device over in-person communication.

My digital footprint is something I have never generally considered while navigating the internet. I typically do not look anything up controversial as I only research topics scholarly related. If I were applying for a job today, a prospective employer would get a positive impression of me as a candidate. If you search my name on Google, the first picture and link that comes up is my LinkedIn account. This is an asset in my application since this positions me as a values-based, hard-working college student who is heavily involved on campus in various organizations. I am also very active on Meta platforms, and other social networking sites. I do not need to edit anything out of my online presence since I am always aware of what I share, repost, and accounts to interact with. 

Overall, as a member of Generation Z, my life has been intricately intertwined with technology, shaping my family, friends, and my own experiences in both positive and negative ways. The provided videos served as a thought-provoking reflection on society's interaction with technology, depicting a utopian future and a dystopian reality. Personally, I maintain a balanced relationship, acknowledging the benefits, pitfalls, and how to safely navigate the internet. While technology has revolutionized information accessibility and medical advancements, it also poses challenges to health and interpersonal relationships. As we continue to evolve in this digital era, understanding the multilayered complexities of technology in our lives is crucial for the coexistence between humanity and technological innovation. 

Blog Post #9

 EOTO Mediasphere - Echo Chamber

In today's world with the convenience of online information, where everyone's thoughts are a post away, it is easy to be comfortable with the familiar.  What happens when our comfort zones are unreliable, promoting isolation and one way of thinking?

An echo chamber is an environment where people only encounter information or opinions that reinforce their own. Echo chambers can create misinformation and misshape a person’s perspective so they have difficulty valuing opposing viewpoints and discussing complicated topics. Uniquely, the internet has its own form of isolation, called a filter bubble, which is created by algorithms that keep track of what you click on. 

The likeness of information has several effects on society. Positively, echo chambers enhance engagement among like-minded individuals, creating niche communities with relevant content for that particular group. The echo chamber may lead to a decline in critical thinking skills due to the lack of differing views. As society is now influenced by biased information, it is important to make informed and unbiased decisions. Additionally, limited empathy and understanding will reduce exposure to other opinions as well as hinder the creation of meaningful and lasting relationships with peers.

A study investigated factors influencing individuals' news consumption and insights into factors influencing susceptibility to filter bubbles online, and the correlation with votingThe results showed that age, male gender, higher levels of Openness, and lower levels of Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) were predictors of the number of news sources consumed. A small percentage exclusively relied on news feeds from social networking sites. Those reluctant to vote showed the lowest diversity in news source consumption. 

Social media is widely marketed as an interconnected environment that enables content sharing, collaboration, and shared dialogue. Older individuals tend to engage with a range of sources, but moving more digitally, it is harder for them to leave the echo chamber and research online. In contrast, younger generations, often are skilled and only use technology to receive information, as we grew up researching sources via the web.

These echo chambers also affect artificial intelligence developments. AI risks developing skewed perspectives and biases influenced by the data being fed. Overrepresentation of dystopian themes in AI training data can lead to askew with human values. A curved focus limits the effectiveness of AI in diverse applications and ethical decision-making.

It is important to explore the differences between social media platforms and how they influence information spreading, especially when they form echo chambers. To assess the different dynamics, there was a comparative analysis of more than 100 million pieces of controversial content discussing gun control, vaccination, abortion, etc. from Gab, Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter. The analysis focuses on two main factors: sameness in the interaction networks and bias in the information toward like-minded peers. The results show that the sameness clusters of users dominate online dynamics. However, a direct comparison of news consumption on Facebook shows higher segregation.

The echo chambers of social media are direct and have no sense of occasion. Its comments could vary from kudos to likes. This dynamic stands in stark contrast to the more nuanced and diverse interactions found in real-life echo chambers formed by actual individuals. Within the realm of social media, augmented reality mirrors in stores and mobile applications contribute to an enriched user experience by delivering authentic feedback without the need for face-to-face interactions.

Scholars assert that social networks and search engines contribute to a group polarization effect. When examining a diverse range of media sources, people engage with varying points of view, change their opinions, encounter conflicting information, and fact-check content. Contrary to the perception of social media as a primary source of information, it ranks at the bottom in terms of trustworthiness for news, with traditional media such as television, print, and online sources being more trusted in the public sphere, particularly in countries like Britain where television, like BBC, holds the highest trust.

Today, with the turbulent Israel-Palestinian conflict, the limited environments reinforce preexisting beliefs, deepening the division between opposing sides. Echo chambers heighten polarization during conflicts, creating division between opposing sides. The situation intensifies a cycle of distrust, fear, and resentment, which makes it difficult to effectively solve problems in echo chambers, animosity thrives, heightening tensions between the conflicting nations. One-sided narratives and inflammatory content perpetuate negative stereotypes, hindering the chance for mutual understanding and the possibility of public support for a future peace agreement.

In echo chambers, various viewpoints are often dismissed or ridiculed, fostering an unfriendly atmosphere that hinders constructive conversations, conflict resolution, and reconciliation. Confirmation bias can create a cycle where individuals are consistently exposed to perspectives that validate their existing views. According to science journalist David McRaney, “The fact that social media platforms confirm what we already believe is the reason many people use them in the first place,” “If the platforms didn’t do that, they wouldn’t be successful.”Posts and articles that evoke strong emotions, like anger, sympathy, or outrage, tend to attract significant attention and engagement on social media platforms. While this trend is not exclusive to the Israel-Palestinian conflict and is common in the digital age, the extremism of this particular conflict magnifies the impact. This heightened emotional state has the potential to obscure individuals' moral judgments, shaping how they perceive and respond to content.

Acknowledging the role of online platforms and how they create and reinforce echo chambers is the first step to breaking away. This will create a more open, and informed approach to understanding conflict. There are key five strategies to follow: to mitigate the impact of echo chambers, individuals should acknowledge their biases, seek external opinions, appoint a devil’s advocate, form diverse teams, and perform pre- and post-mortem analyses.

Overall, these digital environments, where individuals encounter information that reinforces their own views, contribute to societal polarization, hinder critical thinking, and shape the biases of artificial intelligence. 

Final Blog Post

My Relationship With Technology As a member of  Generation Z , technology has played a prominent role in my life. Early models of mobile dev...