Monday, October 30, 2023


Privacy Online & Off 

There are issues related to privacy and your digital footprint being ' as permanent as a tattoo.' The fact that online presence is permanent raises privacy concerns for me, my friends, and my family. It gives away personal insights about the user, and it is getting harder to stay anonymous due to the widespread availability of personal data to numerous parties. The government plays a vital role in regulating privacy, especially cybersecurity. Laws or acts can be enforced to protect users from data leaks and the misuse of personal data. If the government needs to regulate, it should be in an ethical manner. For now, we can take the necessary steps to navigate the digital world safely by changing passwords quarterly with stronger codes, using two-factor authentication, and regularly updating apps.

Similarly, statements made by Catherine Crump, mention privacy concerns but add in factors of civil liberties and potential abuse. Mass surveillance and data collection have the potential to violate the right to privacy. This can lead to self-censorship where people may be scared to express their opinions or participate in certain activities because of the fear of being monitored. As the video mentions, when authorities have access to massive amounts of data, there is a risk of misuse. The government can help with increased transparency.

The video from Christopher Soghoian on the avoidance of surveillance with cell phones touches on the global reach of security breaches as well as the importance of encryption. 

The issues presented by Darieth Chisolm in her TED Talk about digital domestic violence have a significant impact on society. This focuses on the feeling of humiliation, shame, and the ongoing theme of violation of privacy amongst users of technology. The government can help by criminalizing revenge porn, and they have begun to do so with the ENOUGH Act (2017). This act is still not "ENOUGH" as the global reach needs to be managed if it is an international dispute. 

Blog Post #3

Eight Values of Free Expression - Democratic Rulebook

Freedom of speech is a fundamental cornerstone of democracy as it is protected by the First Amendment. It allows people to express themselves without fear.  The eight values of free expression are crucial in their unique ways and serve different functions in a democratic society. These values collectively foster an environment that encourages an open exchange of ideas, cultivates respect for differing viewpoints, and ensures accountability. As we dive deeper into these values, we will uncover how they are not just words but necessities for the success of a thriving democracy, especially in the United States.

  In my opinion, one value of free expression that resonates most with me is individual self-fulfillment (self-actualization). This often ties in with my First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Self-fulfillment serves as an outlet for personal growth, enabling me to set and reach goals. This fosters a sense of happiness and accomplishment as this builds my resilience when faced with adversity. Without the freedom to express myself, I cannot reach my full potential.

   As a strategic communications major in college, I believe promoting innovation holds importance. In today's rapidly evolving fields of hospitality and social media communication, innovation is the primary way to be successful. It provides a competitive advantage in the workplace and helps the individual stand out. Embracing innovation, and connecting and eventually collaborating with like-minded innovators, will further enhance my career aspirations and impact the industry as a whole. Without innovation, progress is hindered and society will be less creative and interesting as diversity will be lacking.

   The concept of Stable change (aka safety valve) is the most personal to me. I have always believed in the freedom of expression, even if the delivery is flawed, as long as it remains controlled and does not escalate into chaos. This value aligns with my desire for a harmonious society where we can maintain stability by addressing issues before they escalate into violent acts. I think that this will promote cohesion among the general public. This highlights my belief in the power of constructive criticism and dialogue to elevate one another, resolve conflicts, and create an inclusive environment for diverse views.

   Today, I see Marketplace of Ideas (Discovery of Truth) in action. Being in a digital age, the internet, social media, and other forms of online communication are often replacing the old forms of communication. It is easy to publish information online. Social media has benefits but faces challenges, including misinformation, algorithmic impact, and post-prioritization. Misinformation spreads like wildfire, algorithms can be biased, and 'trending' content can be highlighted over important posts. There is a growing controversy regarding the role of government and regulators in communication, as censorship is becoming increasingly common. Overall, it is vital for us as a society to stay informed and be aware of the content presented in front of us. 

In conclusion, freedom of speech is a fundamental pillar of democracy. Protecting our fundamental rights, self-fulfillment, stable change, and the marketplace of ideas are among the eight values of free expression that are significant.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Blog Post #2

I chose to read the article created by the History Channel about the Supreme Court. The article provided new insights into the early days of the Supreme Court. I did not know that the Supreme Court was set to first assemble on February 1, 1790, at the Merchants Exchange Building in New York City. But, needed to postpone until the next day due to traveling issues. 

The most important takeaway is that the Supreme Court of the United States serves as the highest federal court in the country. Its main role is to evaluate the integrity of laws and hold the other two branches of government accountable. As the ultimate authority, the Supreme Court is responsible for the Constitution being upheld. The most surprising thing that I have learned is from some of the Supreme Court cases mentioned in the article and how they were ruled. For example, United States v. Windsor (2013), which revoked the U.S. government’s ability to deny federal benefits to same-sex couples. It is just so interesting and surprising how the Supreme Court can affect the nation, especially for better or worse. 

This article changed the way I thought of the Supreme Court by actually bringing information to the forefront of my mind. I never typically think about the Supreme Court and government systems but after reading this article I can recognize the importance of our legal systems. Now knowing the effort put into each case they review, I know how influential and essential they are to our government. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023


In today's world, it is hard to not find any piece of information unless you are off the grid completely. Besides the typical conversations, we are in a society that heavily relies on being informed through various media channels like television and social media. As well as, evolving technology, and niche content pages. Below are the five news sources I use to receive information. 

The Washington Post is an American newspaper known for its in-depth journalism and coverage of national and international news. I started to use The Post from my case study with the American Marketing Association and have used its email updates ever since to find out information. Besides using it for my education, I personally enjoy this source due to its extensive coverage of current events to get multiple perspectives on a wide range scale. 

The Cable News Network (CNN) is a multinational news channel and website. CNN is a reputable 24-hour news network, making it easy to stay informed about a wide range of topics. CNN is also very convenient and accessible through its multimedia news coverage. This includes live feeds, articles, and videos. 

TMZ is a tabloid news organization that is owned by Fox Corporation. It offers exclusive access to the biggest stories in celebrity and entertainment news. This source of entertainment is highly shareable and interactive through various channels, including videos and articles. I prefer TMZ as my source of entertainment news due to its ability to share breaking news before anyone else. 

The New York Times is a daily newspaper based in New York City, featuring live news, investigations, opinions, photos, and videos by the journalists of The New York Times from more than 150 countries around the world. I prefer the NYT since I am from New York but, besides that, this is a very credible and valuable news source. I also like the NYT since they offer a college discount and digital access.


TikTok is, is a short-form video hosting service, where users submit videos ranging from 15 seconds to 10 minutes long. Anyone can upload information, sometimes true and sometimes false so, it is hard to find credibility at times. Typically, with videos sharing the same information on a specific topic, the information is true. What I like about TikTok is that it is now a short form of YouTube, where I can find anything from makeup tutorials to lifestyle videos or even recipes.  TikTok is a platform where you can see current global news, typically as a first-hand account which is interesting to me. 

Final Blog Post

My Relationship With Technology As a member of  Generation Z , technology has played a prominent role in my life. Early models of mobile dev...