Monday, October 23, 2023

Blog Post #2

I chose to read the article created by the History Channel about the Supreme Court. The article provided new insights into the early days of the Supreme Court. I did not know that the Supreme Court was set to first assemble on February 1, 1790, at the Merchants Exchange Building in New York City. But, needed to postpone until the next day due to traveling issues. 

The most important takeaway is that the Supreme Court of the United States serves as the highest federal court in the country. Its main role is to evaluate the integrity of laws and hold the other two branches of government accountable. As the ultimate authority, the Supreme Court is responsible for the Constitution being upheld. The most surprising thing that I have learned is from some of the Supreme Court cases mentioned in the article and how they were ruled. For example, United States v. Windsor (2013), which revoked the U.S. government’s ability to deny federal benefits to same-sex couples. It is just so interesting and surprising how the Supreme Court can affect the nation, especially for better or worse. 

This article changed the way I thought of the Supreme Court by actually bringing information to the forefront of my mind. I never typically think about the Supreme Court and government systems but after reading this article I can recognize the importance of our legal systems. Now knowing the effort put into each case they review, I know how influential and essential they are to our government. 

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